Topical Topics

Topical Topic

Topical Topics

Broadly speaking topical is something new and generally in the news about something that is the topic or belonging to a particular location or place currently of interest, contemporary.

For instance if your web site is to be on the subject of woodlands, forests and trees focusing on Oak Trees.

Than the topic is on Oak Trees

If a topic is new or something about the topic is of interest then the topic becomes topical

Topical news can be :- Britain’s native oak trees are under a new threat from Korean pests says the Quarterly Journal of Forestry. The topic is on Oak Trees but what is topical is the new Korean pest threat.

People who have surnames like OakWood, ManOak or OakForest or variations with Oak in in spelling can be topical when related to contemporary interest, .

Place names are topical when associated with Oak, places such as SevenOaks, Oakwoods or Oakmore are all in some way topical.


Topical Topics




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