Keep yourself food fit

Keep yourself food fit

Keep yourself food fit

This really is a gigantic subject full of conflicting opinions and controversial views.

We have featured this series of videos before, but It’s worth doing so again to press home the very important fact that you really are what you eat, (and that’s not some clever meaningless sound bite or advertising jingle), it is a statement of fact, “You Are What You Eat” you eat junk food and your body will become a junk body,  you eat fit food and you will have a more than good chance of owning a fit healthy body to live in.

Please have a good look at these videos and absorb the message we are trying to get you budding internet entrepreneurs to understand, you must Keep yourself food fit or become unfit.

Keep yourself food fit.  



Fat men overweight walking

People today it seems are getting fatter and fatter, We see this every day at the local super market, often you see young girls that can hardly walk pushing trolley’s and it is the girls, women who seem to be the fattest or maybe It’s because most of the men are now to fat to get out and go shopping with the women.
I was born in the 1940s and remember the 1950s well enough and obesity, (being fat) was never really noticed at least by me it wasn’t, there was a fat man at the end of our road but he was ill and did not get out very much, although I do remember he did shuffle, huffing and puffing to the local shops and back home again.
I also remember dust bins, back then in the 1950s they were all made out of metal with a lid, usually painted black or if you were posh you had a galvanised dustbin and if you looked in side what would you normally see?, dust from house cleaning or ash from an open fire neatly wrapped in newspapers. nowadays you have 2 or 3 plastic wheelie bins, Blue for glass or boxes, Green I think for recyclables and a Black one for I forget what, and they are always overflowing with packaging, processed food bags, boxes and other so called consumables spilling out onto the ground. In the 1950s you did not throw away a thing, anything remotely useful not wanted you’d give away to a friend or neighbour. Nowadays it you gave a second hand 18 carat gold ring to someone they would feel insulted, with today’s thinking It’s in the bin, eBay or the charity shops, unheard of in the 1950s.

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Hello my name is David,
I had what I thought was the greatest job in the world, sitting at a desk all day long having fun whilst others slogged away out in the fields.
I was wrong, aged 43 following my 1st heart attack I had two stents fitted at Kings in London and was given a cocktail of tablets, advised to exercise more and eat a balanced diet of meat, fish, fruit and vegetables and sent home.
I did as prescribed.
1 year later my 2nd minor heart attack had me back at Kings to unblock one of the stents, then following years of pain, discomfort and medication experiments, my 3rd heart attack had me back to Kings for 2 more stents.
In less than 10 years I have had 3 minor heart attacks the 1st, 2 stents, the 2nd 1 stent repair and the 3rd 2 more stents were fitted, a total of 4 stents, and 1 repair and years of discomfort.
Clearly something wasn’t working!
I am not really a vegetarian but it was now clear to me that you need to Keep yourself food fit because medication alone will not. I decided to stop eating all food stuffs containing cholesterol, in other words I am on a no cholesterol diet, not on a low cholesterol diet. I also decided to stop eating processed foods and any food containing gluten along with no dairy.
My diet then is No-Dairy No-Glue, No-Processed-food, so far I feel pretty good.
Within weeks my toilet became near perfect, I won’t go into details but suffice to say, good shape and colour twice a day.
I also lost a little weight and my stomach, no longer bloated felt flat, I still have a paunch belly but with no bloating I can feel my flab and am working on that with new hope.


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Keep yourself food fit


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